
jueves, 11 de junio de 2015

Glossary II

Offer condolence: It is used when a person has lose someone and you say sorry for them
I feel or you: When someone is living something bad and you try to have empathy
What a pity!: Expressig disappointment
You´d better not: When you have to express that there are better options than the one you are chossing
Do you mind if...?: It is used to ask someone if he/she can do something (please form)
Squeeze: When you take out the juice of the fruit, or any food wich you can transform into liquid, you can say you are squeezing

martes, 9 de junio de 2015

Color Race

Hi everybody
Last 7 of June I went to the Color Race with some girls of 4ºEso, It was a fantastic experience that I would like to repeat more times.
The Color Race is a form to do exercice having fun,I mean, is a race in wich you have to run 5 kilometres and in every kilometre you get dirty with some colors. The results of you when you finish and you cross de end line are like that:
Vega and I 

We started in Vialia and we end in Tormes, There were a lot of people shouting and whanting more color in their bodys
For fisnish, we stay all together under the escenary in wich some girls were dancing and the music was sounding so hard, a large cloud full of colors covered us when the party stoped
You also could buy some freezy drinks and have a good time with teenagers
I recomend you to go, it is also for help, to find the medicine of cancer, so , dont´think it any more, next time I want everybody there like a rainbow 

martes, 2 de junio de 2015

Glossary in class I

Dued: When someone is your friend is a form to call him/her
Public/Private: Things that are only yours and of your life or, contrary, things that people can see or know
Hood: neighborhood
Let´s bail: go out
Hecka: a lot
Alrighty: okay
Livng it up: let something happend
Silicon valley: área in California with many technology companies

domingo, 24 de mayo de 2015

Good Songs

Hi guys! Here I let you a song that I love, ·"I´m not the only one" Sam smith, I think  you can understand very well his acent. See you tomorrow!

martes, 17 de marzo de 2015


Betray: disloyal
Bless: make holy
Bury: put something under the earth
Corridor: hallway
Doubt: not totally belive
Glide: bird
Grave: burial place
Grip: hold
Hood: in spanish 'capuha'
Horrific: terrible
Nearly: almost
Priest: the person who is church
Settle: resolve
Share: use tghether
Tone: sound
Shoulder: body part
Ugliness: unpleassant apparence
Warm: not too hot


Beg: suplicate
Blaze: fire
Bone: part of the skeleton
Chlidish: in spanish 'infantil'
Courage: to be brave
Damp: wet
Faint: when you cannot see very well
Forehead: area above eyes
Gasp: breathe
Gather: collect
Glow: give light
Harm: physiscal hurt
Madness: uncountable
Owe: to be on debt
Roar: growl loudly
Shimmer: shine
Tightly: narrowly
Upset: defeated
Weak: not skilful
Wipe: clean